Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Moving on to Chapter 3 on Alignment

Robin’s principle of alignment (as she refers to herself in the book) states , “nothing should be placed on the page arbitrarily. Every item should have a visual connection with something else on the page.” She further goes on to say that you must make a conscious decision on where to place every item on the page. Even when iteams are seperated, an invisible line connects them in your eye and in your mind.

Centering is the most formal of the forms of alignment and one that most novice desginers seem to default in design. I did not know this about center alignment. She says that even though it is the most natural and comfortable that you need to break away from it and in most cases use the left alignment and the right alignment. The right alignment is harder for new designers to use and is more uncomfortable.

She does go into some ways to use center alignment that does not make the design look stale. She uses different type face and fonts.

She stresses that you should use the same type of alignment in one design and there are only few occasions where you can use both left and right alignment and in my opinion, it should be reserved for when you have more practice in design.

It is pretty cool that I am starting to be able to look at the examples and decide what needs to be adjusted in regards to the alignment and spacing. I like the little tips about breaking the rules and doing it intentionally to create a daring statement in the design.

The last point to be stressed about alignment its purpuse is to unify and organize. ( as I am checking over my post to see what kind of alignment I am using - Left flush alignment)

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